10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Wednesday, Feb. 19
Fisher’s Point Habitat Reserve/Vosburg Creek Property
Join NCLC and our partners from the Lower Nehalem Community Trust (LNCT) as we take on English ivy and other various tasks needed at LCNT’s Vosburg Creek Property in Wheeler and NCLC’s Fishers Point Habitat Reserve, across from the Nehalem Bay State Park. We will spend two hours on Fishers Point and two hours on Vosburg Creek.
Our primary focus will be using loppers and handsaws to remove climbing ivy, a non-native invasive plant, from native trees. Other tasks may include disassembling and hauling off unwanted trash from the properties as needed.
Be prepared for a few hours in the field. We will provide tools and gloves, but feel free to bring a pair if you have your own to use. Additionally, bring layers, boots, water, a snack or lunch, etc. There are no dogs allowed or bathrooms on site.